czwartek, 20 września 2012

Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded

ASP.Net Edit and Continue on Visual Studio


Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded.

Visual Studio enable edit code during debugging only on platform x86 and when some options are checked/unchecked. See below:
  1.  Tools > Options > Debuging > Edit and Continue

  2. Tools > Options > Debuging > General


  3.  Solution Explorer > [ProjectName] > Properties > Web

  4. Arquivo:EditAndContinue-3.png

  5. Debug > Configuration Manager
  6. Editing code during debuggind is possible ony with platform x86.


  7. Solution Explorer > [Nazwa projektu] >  Properties > Build

  8. Arquivo:EditAndContinue-5.png

1 komentarz:

  1. Hello, please update the Image links in solutions 2 3 4 to help me because I need to consult. Thank you
